Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Okay - where'd March go??

March has come in like a lion - but it's still roaring! Every week this month I've thought 'Busy this week - will catch up next week' and never do!

March 7th - birthday party.

March 8-13 - Spring Break.

March 14th - Microsoft/SXSW gig with wounded warriors.

March 16th - lost a friend to cancer.

March 17-19 - Aforementioned funeral arrangements, etc.

March 20 - Girl's night. (Hugh Jackman no shirt and margaritas - nice way to end a rough week)

March 23 - Meetings all day.

March 24-26 - Short days at school.

So...can I start saying now that "I'll catch up next month??"

Oh and BSG anyone????

1 comment:

LL said...

You know... I don't think you have to watch Hugh Jackman with your shirt off drinking margaritas... but I'll bet it helps.