Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You know, I really need to get into the habit of updating more often...

But with this blog, my LJ, my myspace and all my business accounts, one of them is going to suffer! I guess this is it. Long Way Round is a good title then eh?

Anyway, wanted to share some cool news. My friends, Peter and Becky are FINALLY in Liberia picking up their kids!!! They have adopted three GORGEOUS children from Liberia and have been waiting months upon month upon months for all the red tape to go through and this week - they finally got to see their babies! So YAY!!!

Business is going well for me. I've got a couple of new movies I'm promoting. One is The Prodigy and the other is Americanizing Shelley . Both of them are really great movies but in completely different ways.

DW Moffett's website is up. and he's starring in the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. We're really happy about that because it's a set up for the new Kate Walsh spin off, so there's a chance of a recurring character there. And his series, Hidden Palms, has an airdate. It will premiere on the CW Network on May 30th.

Everything's going well at home too. I have too many Do It Yourself projects to keep up with, but what else is new? Better to have those projects to do than to not be able to do DIY. If you've ever lived in military housing, you know what I mean.

So that's about it. Anyone out there still reading?